Saturday, October 10, 2009

Seattle Fun

It is official, I am the world's worst blogger. It isn't that I don't have the time to update just that I am far to lazy. What a sad excuse, but it is the best I have.

What is important is that I'm here now! Fun things have happened since I last updated. I went to Eugene for Jenni and Michaels wedding, I moved to Portland for my internship, I went on some fantastic vacations, and I turned 21!! I will blog about all of those later, because once again. I am too lazy!

This past weekend I went to visit my friend Angie in Seattle. And I basically fell in LOVE! That city is just amazing. I had so much fun and I decided that I can now accept the fact that my mother is going to move there. In fact I am excited!
Yes, I went and did all the touristy things. I didn't actually go to the top of the space needle but we went and saw it. I am a dork :)
Angie took my to the public market and I loved it!! Oh my, all the fascinating things to look at the different people and the beautiful flowers and delicious treats. It was great.
Beautiful fresh flowers + scrumptious caramel apple covered in chocolates= Nessa one VERY happy girl :)


  1. Yay! A new post! And cute blog layout : ) Can't wait to hear about all the other cool stuff you've been up to. Miss you!

  2. Wait... MORE MORE!! i want more details!! Tell me all about your 21st birthday!!! I was too caught up in wedding to be a good friend. Forgive me? Do you feel so grown up? hahaha jk jk jk!!!!!! Well, now we can go out and party. yeah! Your mom is moving to Seattle? what! Sweetness!!!!! I think Seattle is a blast! How is your internship and living at your aunts?!

    Also, I miss you! LOTS! SO please keep blogging so that I can feel like I still know the ins and outs of your life.

    I want it, I I I I want it...

  3. Oh yay! I'm glad that your Seattle trip made your blog =)
