Thursday, March 31, 2011

Conference Weekend

I am so very excited for this conference weekend, I am not going to Utah and I don't have any homework (apart from studying for finals). To most people that sounds boring but to me it sounds like total bliss! Most of my roommates will be out of town and the apartment will be quiet, and clean, and I will be so happy :)

I will also be making creme brulee french toast, which is quite possibly the most delicious thing ever! So hooray for conference weekend! And HOORAY for Winter semester almost being over!!! WOOP WOOP!

PS I get to see my baby in Portland in 9 days people!

Friday, March 25, 2011

You Rule.

Some days I really enjoy being in Idaho, even being in Rexburg. But other days I want to run so very fast away from this teeny tiny town that has absolutely nothing in it, and the closest mall has a Macys the size of my living room, and that mall is 30 minutes away. But the truth is, I dont even care about the small mall, or the fact that everything closes at 11 pm. All I want in my life, all I NEED in my life is......YOGURTLAND!! You see, I have a bit of an obsession. When I go home for a week, I will be there every single day - the guy who works there begins to recognize me. I am not ashamed.

If you ask me what I get, pretty much everyone in my family or anyone who has come home with me can tell you, I never change, "if it aint broke, don't fix it" and change is scary! What if I didnt like it? Then I would have a negative experience with Yogurtland (but that could never happen because everything is so delicious!)

So here it is, next time you are at Yogurtland this is what you get:
Orginal Tart

Strawberries (or blackberries which ever look better)

Chocolate Chips



(if you omit the mochi, it would be like forgetting the peanut butter in a PB&J sandwich, it is just not right)

This is the last time I want to Yogurtland, and I long for it every second of everyday - no joke.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Summer, is that you?

It has actually been getting "warm" here lately! (meaning in the 40s and raining but we take what we can get) So I have been getting very excited at the possibility of Summer. I even went a walk on Sunday, granted I was bundled up and we had to cut it short because I was freezing but I went outside and it was magical!

Wellll the truth is, it is NOT summertime. But boy do I wish that was the truth, I need sunshine in my life. Because this will be my last summer in Rexburg I thought I would just write a quick like of why I love Rexburg summers so very much:
1. warmth!
2. color on my skin (imagine that)
3. flip-flops - not on campus of course :)
4. sports - flag football, lacrosse, softball, soccer
5. warm summer nights
6. bonfires at the dunes/beaverdick
7. swimming/bridge jumping
8. clear skin (I am a sun baby and when it is dry and cold my face goes CRAZY!)
9. otter pops
10. bbq food
11. THE 4TH OF JULY!!!!
12. the sound of the whistles at the fields when my window is open
13. doing my homework outside
14. did I mention warmth?!
15. sun dresses (NO tights)
16. painted toes
17. green grass
18. Snoasis!
19. picnics at Porter Park
20. walks on Sundays
21. the swimming hole :)
22. oh ya, and SUNSHINEEE!!!!!
I cannot wait for Summer to get here already!
P.S. Only three weeks left in this semester, and then one more semester and I will offically be a college graduate! WOOO!