Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm Back!!

I know what you are all thinking. "Where the heck is Anessa? I wish Anessa would blog about her really exciting life." Well folks, your wish is my command! I'm back and better than ever!

I have been so busy this semester I am taking 18 credits and working 20 hours a week, so pretty much I have ZERO social life. And its winter time in Rexburg which means that life is miserable. But I am not going to be a negative nancy about it all because guess what?!? It has been amazingly warm and sunny here for the past couple of days. I went to library, got all my homework done, and then went and ate lunch in the park with my roommate! I love the sunshine. So needless to say I am in a super great mood now. And I am about to buy my plane ticket for the break between semesters. I was trying to decide if I should go home or if I should go to Portland to visit my Aunt and Sullivan...

But look at that face! How could I not go to Portland?? I think my decision has been made. Sorry Mom, but you would do the same thing.


  1. freaking FINALLY!!!! But that's it?! I mean, I seriously enjoyed the paragraph that is written, but I WANT MORE!!! Details lady, details!!! I know there is TONS of excitment and comedy in your life. SPILL IT!!

    But seriously- that picture is really cute! And, since when is he not like a new bork baby anymore? weird.

    love you!

  2. He is too cute!! I'm glad you are "back" : ) You'll have to blog about your much deserved break!! Miss you!
