Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"Somedays we forget
to look around us;
somedays we can't see
the joy that surrounds us.
So caught up inside ourselves
we take when we should give.
There's so much to be thankful for."

Nothing like a little Josh Groban to bring that holiday cheer! I am thankful for so very many things I have in my life. The blessings I have are abundant and I want/try to express my gratitude in every way possible. So here is my list of thanks for this year (in no particular order)

1. Yup, you guessed it my Father in Heaven, the gospel on this earth today, and for being born at the time that I was. Am I so certain that this was the best time for me :)
2. My family. I have a great one even if at times I have a strong desire to give them all giant noogies! I love them anyway. My brothers are some of the craziest people on the planet but they sure do keep me entertained.
3. My friends. Let's be honest here, everyone thinks they have the greatest friends on the plant but I hate to break it to you all. But mine TOTALLY WIN!! No one will ever make you laugh so hard, or make you feel so beautiful, or care so much about you as my friends do. I absolutely love them. Gotta rep Camden 4!! (Okay, I promise I have other friends too but I couldn't get anymore pictures on here.)
4. My sister- yes, it is true that I do not have a biological sister but that doesn't mean anything to me and my very best friend Amanda Jane. If any of you know us together you know that we are pretty ridiculous, but thats what makes us so great! I love this girl to death and she is seriously the best!
5. All the wonderfully inspiring women in my life, you will never know what amazing examples you are all to me! You are all amazing mothers, friends, sisters, and testimony builders. Thank you for being who you are.
6. And most of all, I am thankful for the love that I receive from everyone around me. Whether you all know it or not you are amazing influences in my life and I am that much better for knowing you all.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat lots of pie! And take lots of pictures, I need something to look at while I am blog stalking ;)


  1. hahaha. First of all, I love how at the end, you tell everyone to blog for your stalking purposes! hahaha! Also, I compeltely agree, we have the best friends in the world. Well, at least the friends that are mutual between us. I love this post!! Reading about thankfulness always makes me feel happy.

    I'm thankful to know you! Seriously, what a great year together. It's like we're lovers or something, but we're not.

    anyway, love you!

  2. Anessa, I totally agree with you that you have the best friends! And you are one of the best friends a girl could ask for as well! I'm thankful for you!

    Miss you!
